List of participants

Number of registers : 163
patrice abry
Institution : CNRS - ENS de Lyon
Country of your organization : France
Daniel Adams
Institution : Edinburgh university
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Hansjoerg Albrecher
Institution : University of Lausanne
Country of your organization : Switzerland
Jean-Marc Allain
Institution : Ecole polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
David Aristoff
Institution : Colorado State University
Country of your organization : United States
Yannick Armenti
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Hugo Artigas
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Carrera Barbara
Institution : Technische Universität München
Country of your organization : Germany
Inès Barha
Institution : Isup
Country of your organization : France
Subhasish Basak
Institution : CentraleSupeléc, Université Paris-Saclay
Country of your organization : France
Dorinel Bastide
Institution : Université Paris-Saclay, UEVE & BNP PARIBAS
Country of your organization : France
Nadhir Ben Rached
Institution : RWTH Aachen University
Country of your organization : Germany
Imène Ben Rejeb
Institution : BNP PARIBAS
Country of your organization : France
Cyril Bénézet
Institution : ENSIIE, Université Evry Val d'Essonne, Université Paris Saclay
Country of your organization : France
Wolfgang Betz
Institution : Eracons
Country of your organization : Germany
Antoine Bezat
Institution : BNP PARIBAS
Country of your organization : France
Krzysztof Bisewski
Institution : University of Lausanne
Country of your organization : Switzerland
Giuseppe Bonavolonta
Institution : EIB
Country of your organization : Luxembourg
Freddy Bouchet
Institution : CNRS and ENS de Lyon
Country of your organization : France
Florian Bourgey
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Dragos Bozdog
Institution : Stevens Institute of Technology
Country of your organization : United States
Charles-Edouard Bréhier
Institution : CNRS & Université Lyon 1
Country of your organization : France
Anne Buijsrogge
Institution : Delft University of Technology
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Gloria Buriticá
Institution : Sorbonne Université
Country of your organization : France
Maria Cameron
Institution : University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Country of your organization : United States
Marcos Carreira
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Frederic Cerou
Institution : Inria
Country of your organization : France
Vincent Chabridon
Institution : EDF R&D
Country of your organization : France
Linda Chamakh
Institution : polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Valérie Chavez_Demoulin
Institution : HEC Lausanne
Country of your organization : Switzerland
Thomas Chen
Institution : Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
Country of your organization : United States
Kai Cheng
Institution : Northwestern polytechnical university
Country of your organization : China
Kai Cheng
Institution : Northwestern polytechnical university
Country of your organization : China
Guillaume Chennetier
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Marie Chiron
Institution : ONERA Toulouse
Country of your organization : France
Nordine Choukar
Institution : Exiom Partners
Country of your organization : France
Hassane Chraibi
Institution : EDF
Country of your organization : France
Francesco Coghi
Institution : Queen Mary, University of London
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Jeffrey Collamore
Institution : University of Copenhagen
Country of your organization : Denmark
Alexander Cox
Institution : University of Bath
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Bastien Cozian
Institution : ENS de Lyon
Country of your organization : France
Stéphane Crépey
Institution : Université de Paris
Country of your organization : France
Daan Crommelin
Institution : CWI and UvA
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Tom Davis
Institution : University of Bath
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Pieter-Tjerk de Boer
Institution : University of Twente
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Stefano De Marco
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
stephan de prins
Institution : Reply
Country of your organization : Luxembourg
Institution : EDF
Country of your organization : France
Anand Deo
Institution : TIFR, Mumbai
Country of your organization : India
Olivier Derollez
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Elena Di Bernardino
Institution : Université Cote d'Azur
Country of your organization : France
Goncalo dos Reis
Institution : University of Edinburgh
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Johan Du Buisson
Institution : Stellenbosch University
Country of your organization : South Africa
eric dumonteil
Institution : CEA Saclay
Country of your organization : France
Anne Durif
Institution : Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Country of your organization : France
Anne Dutfoy
Institution : EDF
Country of your organization : France
Max Ehre
Institution : TUM
Country of your organization : Germany
Ivar Ekeland
Institution : Université Paris Dauphine
Country of your organization : France
Maxime El Masri
Institution : ONERA - ISAE
Country of your organization : France
Paul Embrechts
Institution : ETH Zurich
Country of your organization : Switzerland
Francois Ernoult
Institution : Université de Rennes 1
Country of your organization : France
Jean-David Fermanian
Institution : Ensae
Country of your organization : France
Grégoire Ferré
Institution : None
Country of your organization : France
Gersende Fort
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Marc Fournet
Institution : Ecole polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Kévin Fröhlicher
Institution : IRSN
Country of your organization : France
Josselin Garnier
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Stephane Girard
Institution : Irnia
Country of your organization : France
Emmanuel Gobet
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Sebastião Graça
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Sebastião Graça
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Stefan Grosskinsky
Institution : TU Delft
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Arnaud Guyader
Institution : Sorbonne Université
Country of your organization : France
clément hardy
Institution : Ecole des ponts
Country of your organization : France
Rosemary Harris
Institution : Queen Mary University of London
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Antoine Hassoun
Institution : Phast Solutions
Country of your organization : France
Patrick Héas
Institution : INRIA
Country of your organization : France
Caroline Hillairet
Institution : Ensae
Country of your organization : France
Piers Hinds
Institution : University of Nottingham
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Benjamin Hirzinger
Institution : VCE
Country of your organization : Austria
Fu-Hsuan Ho
Institution : Université Paul Sabatier
Country of your organization : France
Emma Horton
Institution : Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest
Country of your organization : France
Marc Irubetagoyena
Institution : BNPP
Country of your organization : France
Chan Jianpeng
Institution : Technische Universität München
Country of your organization : Germany
Eric Jondeau
Institution : University of Lausanne
Country of your organization : Switzerland
Valentin Kammes
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Julian Kappler
Institution : University of Cambridge
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Thierry KENGNE
Institution : Nexialog
Country of your organization : France
Antoine Kornprobst
Institution : OECD
Country of your organization : France
Clara Lage
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Henry Lam
Institution : Columbia University
Country of your organization : United States
Oskar Laverny
Institution : Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Country of your organization : France
Francois Le Gland
Institution : INRIA
Country of your organization : France
Tiphaine Le Morvan
Institution : EDF S.A.
Country of your organization : France
Frederic Legoll
Institution : Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Country of your organization : France
Alessandro Leite
Institution : INRIA
Country of your organization : France
Institution : ALFIC
Country of your organization : France
Tony Lelièvre
Institution : Ecole des Ponts
Country of your organization : France
Violaine Lepousez
Institution : CARBONE 4
Country of your organization : France
Nadege Lespagnol
Institution : EULER HERMES
Country of your organization : French Southern Territories
Ales Libal
Institution : Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Country of your organization : France
Jack Lidmar
Institution : KTH Royal Institute of Techhnology
Country of your organization : Sweden
Institution : Société Générale
Country of your organization : France
Stéphane Loisel
Institution : ISFA, Univ. Lyon 1
Country of your organization : France
Davin LUNZ
Institution : Inria
Country of your organization : France
Institution : INSEA
Country of your organization : Morocco
David Métivier
Institution : École Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
George Miloshevich
Institution : école normale supérieure
Country of your organization : France
David Moncoulon
Institution : CCR
Country of your organization : France
Jérôme Morio
Institution : ONERA
Country of your organization : France
Miguel Munoz Zuniga
Institution : IFPEN
Country of your organization : France
Marvin Nakayama
Institution : New Jersey Institute of Technology
Country of your organization : United States
Philippe Naveau
Institution : CNS
Country of your organization : France
Juliette Nouel
Institution : Journaliste
Country of your organization : France
Anthony Nouy
Institution : Centrale Nantes
Country of your organization : France
Pierre Nyquist
Institution : KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Country of your organization : Sweden
Thomas Opitz
Institution : INRAE
Country of your organization : France
Abder Oulidi
Institution : Fonds de Solidarité Contre les Évènements Catastrophiques
Country of your organization : Morocco
Iason Papaioannou
Institution : Technische Universität München
Country of your organization : Germany
Sylvie Parey
Institution : EDF/R&D
Country of your organization : France
Luis Pereira
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Institution : UNAM
Country of your organization : Mexico
guillaume perrin
Institution : Université Gustave Eiffel
Country of your organization : France
Samuel Power
Institution : University of Bristol
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Clémentine Prieur
Institution : Université Grenoble Alpes
Country of your organization : France
Minhao Qiu
Institution : University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Country of your organization : Germany
Nicolas Raillard
Institution : IFREMER
Country of your organization : France
Patrick Rakotomarolahy
Institution : Université de Fianarantsoa
Country of your organization : Madagascar
Etienne Raynal
Institution : ISFA
Country of your organization : France
Daniel Reijsbergen
Institution : Singapore University of Technology and Design
Country of your organization : Singapore
Clément Rey
Institution : Ecole polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Julien Reygner
Institution : École des Ponts ParisTech
Country of your organization : France
Ad Ridder
Institution : Vrije University Amsterdam
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Christian Robert
Institution : UCBL
Country of your organization : France
Mathias Rousset
Institution : Université Rennes 1 and Inria
Country of your organization : France
Irina Safronova
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Rita Sande e Castro
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Marine Saux
Institution : Ecole polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Werner Scheinhardt
Institution : University of Twente
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Nikeethan Selvaratnam
Institution : Télécom SudParis
Country of your organization : France
Serigne SENE
Institution : Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation
Country of your organization : Senegal
Alex Shkolnik
Institution : University of California, Santa Barbara
Country of your organization : United States
Gabriel Stoltz
Institution : Ecole des Ponts
Country of your organization : France
Daniel Straub
Institution : TU München
Country of your organization : Germany
Bruno Sudret
Institution : ETH Zurich
Country of your organization : Switzerland
Zoltan Szabo
Institution : Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Edouard Tabary
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
Rodrigo Targino
Institution : Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
Country of your organization : Brazil
Achille Thin
Institution : Ecole polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Karim TIT
Institution : INRIA
Country of your organization : France
Hugo Touchette
Institution : Stellenbosch University
Country of your organization : South Africa
Michael Tretyakov
Institution : University of Nottingham
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Bruno Tuffin
Institution : Inria
Country of your organization : France
Guillaume Verdurme
Institution : BNP Paribas
Country of your organization : France
José Villén-Altamirano
Institution : Technical University of Madrid
Country of your organization : Spain
Fabian Wagner
Institution : Faculty of Mathematics
Country of your organization : Germany
Andi Wang
Institution : University of Bristol
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Stefan Weber
Institution : Leibniz Universität Hannover
Country of your organization : Germany
Nick Whiteley
Institution : University of Bristol
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Julien Worms
Institution : Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Country of your organization : France
Guo-Jhen Wu
Institution : KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Country of your organization : Sweden
peng zhong
Institution : King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Country of your organization : Saudi Arabia
Armin Zimmermann
Institution : Technische Universität Ilmenau
Country of your organization : Germany
Online user: 13 Privacy